HAARP is a military weapon, also known as the secret govt. project High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This uses the natural occurring ions in the atmosphere to change the weather at will. This could be a blessing if it was used for good. For example the end of drought in third world countries to help climates produce crops. Another way it could be used for good is to change the climate in areas with high drug producing populations to diminish the crops which would more than likely end up on U.S. soil. Yet no one knows why this is kept so under the radar by the American Govt. with its head quarters located in Alaska.
HAARP is essentially a radio tower which functions by sending a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. A gigawatt is the equivalent to 1000 mega watts. This can be put in perspective by saying one gig watt could power one million households. Bernard J. Eastland a Texas physicist whose three patents of his own ideas paved the way for the present weapon HAARP. Also Jim Phelps is the more noted inventor of the HAARP project. Hence less can be found out about him. If what the government portrays is true about HAARP being agricultural development tool. The Why have it based in Alaska heavily watched over by the United States Navy and Air Force?
With the growing number of catastrophic weather events, why haven’t we used this weapon to calm hurricanes like Irene? Or concentrate HAARP power to make it rain over forest fires. Which would save lives first and more tax dollars second. So what use would are government want with this technology is unknown. Yet with the most knowledge of this weapon being top secret, one can only imagine why. Also why would this ever be used as an alternative to WMD (weapons of mass destruction) or biological warfare?
Some believe that HAARP this is just a conspiracy. Although some weather around has changed because of the Earth’s ever increasing population. Such as in over populated countries in the world like India or China. Nevertheless random occurrences in Hati and Japan of random lashes from mother nature is far from normal without a warning.