Wednesday, September 28, 2011

work in progress( term paper)

HAARP is a military weapon, also known as the secret govt. project High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This uses the natural occurring ions in the atmosphere to change the weather at will. This could be a blessing if it was used for good. For example the end of drought in third world countries to help climates produce crops. Another way it could be used for good is to change the climate in areas with high drug producing populations to diminish the crops which would more than likely end up on U.S. soil. Yet no one knows why this is kept so under the radar by the American Govt. with its head quarters located in Alaska.
HAARP is essentially a radio tower which functions by sending a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. A gigawatt is the equivalent to 1000 mega watts. This can be put in perspective by saying one gig watt could power one million households.  Bernard J. Eastland a Texas physicist whose three patents of his own ideas paved the way for the present weapon HAARP.  Also Jim Phelps is the more noted inventor of the HAARP project. Hence less can be found out about him. If what the government portrays is true about HAARP being agricultural development tool. The Why have it based in Alaska heavily watched over by the United States Navy and Air Force?
With the growing number of catastrophic weather events, why haven’t we used this weapon to calm hurricanes like Irene?  Or concentrate HAARP power to make it rain over forest fires. Which would save lives first and more tax dollars second. So what use would are government want with this technology is unknown. Yet with the most knowledge of this weapon being top secret, one can only imagine why.  Also why would this ever be used as an alternative to WMD (weapons of mass destruction) or biological warfare?
Some believe that HAARP this is just a conspiracy. Although some weather around has changed because of the Earth’s ever increasing population.  Such as in over populated countries in the world like India or China.  Nevertheless random occurrences in Hati and Japan of random lashes from mother nature is far from normal without a warning.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


HAARP  is a military weapon, also know as the seacret govt. project High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This uses the natural occuring ions in the atmospere to change the weather at will. this could be a blessing if it wa sused for good. for example the end of drought in third world countries to help climates produce crops. Another way it could be used for good is to change the climate in areas with high drug producing populations to deminish the crops which would more than likly end up on U.S. soil. Yet noone knows why this is kept so under the radar by the American Govt. with its head quarters located in Alaska


In America most problems are minimal compared to other countries in world. One of our major problems is giving unfair sentencing to non-violent criminals. For example some parts of our country might have relaxed drug laws such as California with their recently proposition 420. This law has made the procession of marijuana legal if u have a certified card. Topics like this will be covered in this paper.
            First is how non-violent crime offenders have high jail sentencing. Example of this would be a drug dealer getting twenty odd years for drug possession, depending on the state of drug. Yet a violent crime offender like a rapist will just get a 5 year maximum for their first offence with little probation time. Who do you think got the better end of the deal from our legal system? So is the justice system telling us to rape and half way cover up murder, instead of just having or possessing a substance that our government looks down on?
            Second is how the average cost of an inmate to any state after the productivity off of cheap labor is 2,500. Also with the number of inmates with non-violent sentences piling up to 261,796 every year. Which cost the tax payers and our government a estimated 654,490,000 dollars. This is where money for things like roads in dire need of repair, or keeping a homeless shelter open to ultimately better living conditions in communities across America. In the sense that if a portion of that money could be used for good in communities, it could deter children from making bad choices. Rather than just using it to keep somewhat good people behind bars to just continue the never ending cycle of drug dealers breeding drug dealers like doctors breeding doctors.
            Lastly is our jail system is a failure. For the simple fact almost two out of three prisoners are repeat offenders. So if the jails system is letting people who are repeatedly damage their communities, why those who break the law to anyone but their selves are to stay in jail. Depending on the circumstances not all violent criminals should get a break. Those who do petty crimes to support bad life style choices are an example of a type of non-violent criminal that should stay in jail. The priors in the arrest record can determine, if the criminals actions are based on substance abuse, life style, and lack of respect for the law.
            So as read in this article, sometimes the justice system leaves certain people high and dry while others do brief time and get to be back on the streets of our country. Which would u rather running around in your community a two time felon or a person who had to survive by way of life that they grew up around? I leave you with this next time you pay taxes think of the waste of hard earn money going into the never ending quickly failing justice system.

                                                                   Work cited
2006, comparison in, and the incarceration rate in England. "Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>.

"56% OF VIOLENT FELONS ARE REPEAT OFFENDERS | Organized Crime Digest | Find Articles at BNET." Find Articles at BNET | News Articles, Magazine Back Issues & Reference Articles on All Topics. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>.

"Are sex offenders getting off easy in Pennsylvania? | The Litterbox." The Litterbox | Miscellaneous ramblings about insignificant things that matter only to a cranky cat.. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>.


Society’s Problem
In the two pieces I read, they were about date rape. In the first one the author Camille Paglia of “Rape: A Bigger Danger Than Feminists Know” conveyed a very angry tone. From the introduction to the word to the conclusion, one example would be college being a war zone. Like men being at their hormonal peak, unstable, and compulsive. Also when men on vacations they can have a certain side of solitude adventuring. This isn’t too smart for women, since they’re already at risk by being naturally weaker than a man.
In the second piece the author Susan Jacoby who wrote “ Common Decency,” explained how how it’s a rising problem for teens as young as 15. She approaches the topic in a firm but causal way by saying it always leads to the victim being in the wrong place. Siding with Camille that men tend to utilize their dominance in persuasion or pure strength to commit violent crimes such as this.

Susan Jacoby isn’t angry in her writing, but more of a cautionary tale to young woman. Trying to change this trend she talks about how woman give off mixed signals. Such as being interested in a boy but mistakenly finds herself alone after brutal gang rape that happens way to often at college parties or fraternity mixers. Just because of one small mistake either it be going upstairs alone or drinking past their limit.
Camille differs by saying not so much female in some cases but total male blame for violent acts like this. Since women are more vulnerable especially in small rural settings or wives in passive aggressive relationships.  Also breaking down the male psyche several times relation how aggression and eroticism co-a line. Also how over time things have been made available to help women such as movies and self help groups
All and all these two authors have two very different points of views on this subject. Of course both think rape is past horrible, but each has two different way of educating the reader and conveying the message of this is a problem that society as a whole needs to end.


HAARP is part of the weapons arsenal of the New World Order under the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). From military command points in the US, entire national economies could potentially be destabilized through climatic manipulations. What this means is that HAARP could potentially be applied by the US military to selectively modify the climate of an "unfriendly nation" or "rogue state" with a view to destabilizing its national economy.Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book "Between Two Ages." In addition to weather manipulation, HAARP has a number of related uses: "HAARP could contribute to climate change by intensively bombarding the atmosphere with high-frequency rays. Returning low-frequency waves at high intensity could also affect people's brains, and effects on tectonic movements cannot be ruled out.