Monday, October 10, 2011

term paper

                                                                                                Mon’Trace Pennington
                                                                                                English 102-J004
                                                                                                MR. Benton
                                  Weather  Weapons
HAARP is a military weapon, also known as the secret govt. project High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This uses the natural occurring ions in the atmosphere to change the weather at will. This could be a blessing if it was used for good. For example the end of drought in third world countries to help climates produce crops. Another way it could be used for good is to change the climate in areas with high drug producing populations to diminish the crops which would more than likely end up on U.S. soil. Yet no one knows why this is kept so under the radar by the American government with its head quarters located in Alaska.
HAARP is essentially a radio tower which functions by sending a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. A gigawatt is the equivalent to 1000 mega watts. This can be put in perspective by saying one gig watt could power one million households.  Bernard J. Eastland a Texas physicist whose three patents of his own ideas paved the way for the present weapon HAARP.  Also Jim Phelps is the more noted inventor of the HAARP project. Hence less can be found out about him. If what the government portrays is true about HAARP being agricultural development tool. The Why have it based in Alaska heavily watched over by the United States Navy and Air Force?
Still to this day no info has been leaked about this project beside certain conspiracy books. Yet that doesn’t answer questions for the regular curious tax payer. It’s said the first mention of this weapon in time is in the 1940’s New York Times newspaper. Then about thirty years later the final prototype was completed, and has been under lock and key ever since. Only to consume about Thirty million United States tax dollars to finalize and complete.
With the growing number of catastrophic weather events, why haven’t we used this weapon to calm hurricanes like Irene?  Or concentrate HAARP power to make it rain over forest fires. Which would save lives first and more tax dollars second. So what use would are government want with this technology is unknown. Yet with the most knowledge of this weapon being top secret, one can only imagine why.  Also why would this ever be used as an alternative to WMD (weapons of mass destruction) or biological warfare?
Some believe that HAARP this is just a conspiracy. Although some weather around has changed because of the Earth’s ever increasing population.  Such as in over populated countries in the world like India or China.  Nevertheless random occurrences in Haiti and Japan of random lashes from Mother Nature are far from normal without a warning. Are these just random occurrences or HAARP latest victims? Many internet sites like YouTube have compiled various evidence of this mysterious weapon.
Mostly is why would we just have this weapon and keep it top secret. One thing I would like to see is the American people who pay taxes, which funds projects such as HAARP should be informed. To not only see where we provide money too, but more importantly what weapons we have to combat the ongoing cold war tensions. One eerie occurrence of this weather weapon was in two thousand and nine. Where in east Russia a huge white halo formed over the country and sat in the sky for over an hour not spinning or growing. This doesn’t occur naturally in nature.
          So with no knowledge on this weapon, how can the world population tell where so called global warming begins and where this weapon picks up to cause from overly ionic charged to form abnormal weather systems?  So is the new future of weapons manipulating the world or counting to be fueled by AK assault rifle frames and biological warfare threats.
          Just like in the UN the weapons of mass destruction council which is compiled by the countries who have nuclear warheads. Only trustable and worthy figures should have the power to isolate this weapon. To either use it for good or bad, but in the long run help the world for self imploding which is the current track our society is headed in currently. From less importance of what is gained in the class room, and a greater need to emulate what is shown on TV, only to keep people blinded from the real issues of the world today.
Lastly the weather has never been left up to humans. So this can only end in a way that will teach the ones who feel entitled to control certain aspects of the world. A major lesson either from totally destroying eco-systems, inhabitable landscapes, to causing early extinction of animal species detrimental to human life.  So could the episodes of the mass die off, of bird flocks be related?
 Question like this won’t be answered until we press the government to spill the beans so to speak.  For example, more information about the killing of Osama Bin’ladin by the navy has been released. With no reason to have this muti-million dollar toy why is it in our backyard?  With no threat of any other country in the world trying to manipulate the weather, then this project is anything more than a money pit the United States Government can’t afford to keep paying into.

·         Manning, Jeane , and Nick Begich. Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology . New York: Earthpulse Pr; 1st edition , 1995. Print.

·         "Before It's News." Before It's News. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <>.

·         Brzezinki, Zbigniew. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives. UNKNOWN: Basic Books , 1998. Print.

·         "HAARP Home Page." HAARP Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <
·         " - Project HAARP: Overview." - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. <>.

·         "Surfing The Apocalypse Network - INVENTOR OF HAARP BLOWS THE WHISTLE." SURFING THE APOCALYPSE. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. <>.

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